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Docker Management Lite

Time:2024-05-18 Browse: 119

Docker Management Lite

Manage Docker on Linux/MacOS from your phone.

Connect via ssh to your Linux/MacOS server and manage your docker.

This app allows you to:

- connect to multiple servers

- list containers

- inspect containers

- view container resource usage

- list images

- inspect images

- connect via password or ssh key

The lite version is designed to get a feel for the app and test the ssh connection to its server. If the application suits you and you want to use all the features, get the full Docker Management version which allows you to:

- all features of the lite version

- create containers

- launch containers

- stop containers

- restart containers

- remove containers

- view live logs of containers

- enter the containers shell

- build images

- search images

- remove images


- server information is only stored on the phone (data is erased when the app is removed)

NO docker daemon or docker api is required to be enabled for this application, just connect via ssh. It is highly recommended NOT to open unnecessary ports on your server (like enabling docker daemon) as this may expose your server to more security threads

Questions answers

Q: Why can't I connect with non-root users?

A: Docker commands are run by the application without “sudo”, so you will need to add your non-root user to the docker group with the following command:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

sudo reboot

Q: How to connect to Docker Desktop on MacOS?

A: Since docker for MacOS is configured in a different path, change it in my application by going to the server information view, at the bottom of the page there is "Advanced Settings" and set it to:


Note: Make sure to enable "Remote Login" on your Mac and launch docker desktop to connect.

Q: How to connect to Synology server?

A: If it is a non-root user, add the user to the docker group on your server:

sudo synogroup --add docker $USER

Since docker for synology is configured in a different path, change it in my application by going to the server information view, at the bottom of the page there is "Advanced Settings" and set it to:

# for synology version or lower


# for synology version or higher


Q: How to connect to QNAP server?

A: If it is a non-root user, add the user to the docker group on your server:

sudo addgroup $USER administrators

Since docker for QNAP is configured in a different path, change it in my application by going to the server information view, at the bottom of the page there is "Advanced Settings" and configure it to:


Found a bug?

Send an email to: [email protected]


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